I've recently checked out a few new thrift stores. One was down the street from my one of my favorite Goodwill store. It was called Thrift Center and it was pretty gross. However, I found a few linens I thought were nice. I'm especially in love with the little hand-embroidered mushrooms on the napkins. I just couldn't pass up all the handiwork of these pieces.
They were a few dollars each, but I think worth it. They are so sweet and will look awesome in my terrariums once I find a receptacle of appropriate size. So far, I've only found jars (below) that will make great tiny terrariums, but nothing large enough to house these guys.
I made a deal with Tim that if I drove down to Benicia for a friend's party, he would go to a couple Goodwill stores with me on the way. We only got to one because we were running a little late, but it was a good one. It was the Goodwill in West Sacramento. It was 1/2 off day!!! This was very exciting. I spent $27.00. I will post those purchases soon. I need to remember what they were...
Yesterday, I purchased my biggest second-hand purchase ever (besides my condo): my new car! After learning way too much about cars to ensure I would feel good about any purchase I made, I finally bit the bullet! I'm excited about it. Now, I will now have to go about the task of selling my little red Civic hatchback, Floyd. (He's named after the hurricane that came through South Carolina a couple weeks after I got him when I was living there. Luckily the hurricane didn't do any significant damage and my little guy was unharmed entirely.) He's been so good to me. We've been through a lot together. I'll be sad to let him go, but I know it's time.
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