Sunday I wanted to check out a thrift store near Arden Mall that I had not yet visited. It's called Weave Thrift . It benefits survivors of domestic violence and I wanted to love it. However, it kinda sucked. I was there 3 minutes and decided I needed to quickly make my way to the fabulous Goodwill nearby.
The first thing I found was this awesome Russel Wright casserole dish. It was expensive, but I've been reading up on this stuff and thought that even at $13.00 it was a pretty good deal. Plus, it's nice to look at.
Recently, I went to visit Tim's brother and his wife. They had a nicely organized kitchen, including old candy jar-type containers for their flour and other powdery goods. I was on the hunt for something similar. I found the exact thing they had. However, I decided I wanted something slightly more narrow for our flour to fit in-between our awesome breadbox (which I found at the same Goodwill) and the canvas box of food we have on our open shelves. A few moments later, I turned around and saw this 80s (or 70s?) delight:
I also found a few other things I had to take home:
Next weekend is the Sacramento Antique Faire that is every 2nd Sunday. Last time I found some great stuff that I'll photograph and post on my photo scroll soon. Hopefully it won't rain this weekend and I can get Tim to accompany me by bribing him with coffee and breakfast. Tim?